sis coba jawab sepuluh soalan interview you ni ye.
- What are you wearing?
- How old are you?
- Favorite quotes?
- Favorite song?
- Favorite piece of jewelry?
- What instruments do you play?
- The book you're currently reading?
- Someone you miss?
- The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
- Who should answer these questions next?
1) What are you wearing?
Sekadar baju t-shirt putih low baget bercorak grafik 'xxx' di bahagian badan hadapan dan pada lengan. Lengkap berseluar palazzo hasil jahitan senderian berhad.
Tambahan aksesori kacamata putih untuk kesan penglihatan HQ. dll.
2) How old are you?
Angka satu lapan. Bakal meningkat satu lagi anak tangga pada tahun hadapan.
3) Favorite quotes?
"Logic will get you A to Z. but imagination will get you Everywhere." -Albert Einstein.
4) Favorite song?
Mahu senarai memang labuh panjangnya. Setakat ni sering re-play lagu Toxic, Soap, Pity Party by Melanie Martinez. Love her sweet harmonic voice.
5) Favorite piece of jewelry?
Jam tangan digital jenama b.u.m, gelang handmade dan rantai pisau cukur.
6) What instruments do you play?
Tak sempat belajar mana-mana chord alat muzik. sekadar cuba-cuba beat-box, dan harmonika cover.
7) The book you're currently reading?
DOSA karya Nuril Basri terbitan FIXI
8) Someone you miss?
Sahabat yang merindui aku.
9) The realationship between you and the person you last texted?
10) Who should answer these questions next?
Sesiapa yang mendarat TERsengaja baca ini entry dialu-alukan menjawab soalan perah otak dibawah. Tak minat tidak mengapa, sekurang-kurangnya sila tinggal jejak di ruangan ulasan supaya aku tidak lah sesat sepanjang menjejaki kembali ke halaman belog kengkawan.
10 soalan daripada Piring Terbang
- Can you daydream at night?
- How many people do you fall in love with every day?
- How many days have you gone without showering?
- Who do you just hate the most?
- How many times does it take for you to listen to a song that you love before you actually hate it instead?
- If you could sing one song on American Idol, what would it be?
- If there was a movie produced about your life, who would play you and why?
- Who was your favourite Power Ranger?
- What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?
- Finally, and this one is important, so please pay attention What do you think cats dream about?