My page life.

Monday, September 11, 2017

I am Done Study. cause i am to cool for school. dah

Hello and Assalamualaikum. This post gonna be my special achievement in my entire life. it is about my graduation convocation. Pada 28 Ogos 2017 yang lalu, Me and my family telah menghadiri satu event Convocation Vocational kali ke-dua. Yang diadakan di USIM Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Nilai, Negeri 9. Well, ini satu pencampaian yang patut dibangga setelah 4 tahun lebih mati-matian belajar hingga semput dan Alhamdulillah akhirnya kami dianugerahkan persijilan ini..secara jujur i dont fell anything haha. but the right thing I'm should grateful cause suddenly habis juga pengajian ini. Syukur!!!! Okey taknak cakap banyak sebab benda dah lepas. So, aku just selitkan beberapa photo pada hari kejadian. Tak banyak gambar cukup la bergambar dengan family dengan muka masing2 tak ready. lol. Seriusly so tired la that time because we punya event end a bit late dalam pukul 6 pm so we masing-masing rushing nak balik...tak sempat nak bergambar bebanyak.. well, let see,

 Ayu gitu pakai jubah konvo uoll

Punya tak ready, aku tak pegang bebetul the sijil. berselindung belakang buku

My family.. 💖💖
Terima kasih mama for the bunga walaupun abah warning not to buy yang ada bear dan walaupun kalau beli bunga pun lastly akan layu juga.. haha

Friday, March 17, 2017


You know what. It is hard to be happy all the time. I can't face the surrounding with happy face when I am not in that mood. I can't lie myself about what I feel. So, automatically my face will show expression according to my mood. My regularly mood always bored and annoy and all my mood are negative. sometimes I become happy but for just an hour. haha. I want to be happy everyday like other people who are live in happiness life without thinking any problem while inside who know you are frust or stress. but how?

1) You need to be grateful everyday!
Thanks God of what you have now. like a house though it is not a big house, a family, a friend that always remember you. Do not feel down with what you have now because people don't care about expensive cloth that you wear, how big house your own and the car you drive. you just need to thankful each everyday anytime and anywhere.

2) Always smile and laughing all day long.
Always start a day with smile. Smile while it is raining likes no one will see how broken you inside can confusing people either you are happy or not actually. With mean you can hiding and keep all your problem in secret behind your smiley face. Because with smile also can bright, built and fix your world.

3) Be positive
A thing that blocks you to be positive is negative people. Stay away from negative people because they have problem for every solution. Life become more easier when you delete the negative people from it.

4) Be patient
I am sick with world in insane stigma. haha so be patient, cool, relax and steady with the toxic people of the world. When you be patient directly you will growing stronger and the weight of the world will become lighter and you will begin to shine brighter. don't give up!

No one is in charge of your happiness except you. Picture Quote #1


Susahkan kita nak berinteraksi sesama manusia? susahkan antara kita manusia saling memahami situasi sesama manusia? kerana itu hindari diri daripada berjumpa manusia itu lebih baik, walau sendiri seorang manusia. kerana untuk melindungi hati daripada jatuh disakiti. kerana mulut manusia hati sakit. kerana perbuatan manusia hati menahan pedih. kerana hati busuk manusia, hati membalas benci. adakah sifat manusia itu sekadar pentingkan dan mempertahankan hak sendiri tanpa menghiraukan hati dan perasaan manusia lain? 

Sakitnya itu di hati. Mulut mengungkapkan apa yang terbuku dihati. Kalau riya' hati, maka setiap perkataan akan berbaur riya' sehingga memperendah-rendahkan manusia lemah yang lain. Kalau ego dan sombong hati, setiap perbuatan yang dilakukan melambangkan hanya dia manusia yang bagus sehingga setiap teguran dan nasihat pun tak boleh makan. Kalau hati dah bodoh sombong, dia akan tetap tegakkan kesalahannya kerana dek malu untuk mengaku kesalahan sendiri.

Aku juga manusia punya hati dan perasaan.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

My favorite song end of 2016


AURORA - Winter Bird
"Sometimes I fear our technological progress will slowly take over. We meet people through texts and screens. Is it setting us free? Or are we slowly wrapping ourselves in, depending too much on it? the fall is bigger when our hopes are not realistic, not human. What has no heart can't give us love and true happiness."


AURORA - Murder song (Alternative version)


Noah Cyrus - Make me (Cry)


Melanie Martinez - Pacify Her


Melanie Martinez - Mrs. Potato Head